Baptismal boxes

Brass baptismal box in silver with print and gilding

code BG0615LF

1.132 €

Brass baptismal box in silver with print and gilding (2.7.0615лф) - manufactured by Agat Jewellery according to all the canons of the Orthodox Church...

Brass holy oil vessel with fragmentary gilding

code BG0555LF

109 €

Brass holy oil vessel with fragmentary gilding (2.7.0555лф) - manufactured by Agat Jewellery according to all the canons of the Orthodox Church...

Showing 1 to 2 of 2 (1 Pages)
Baptismal boxes - produced by Agat Jewellery according to all canons of the Orthodox Church. Sale, customization of different materials, with different coatings and with different decorations.
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